ITS 2023...

(october 4 2023, 6:19pm) gah!!! this years netlog has been lacking to the nines! well i guess thats good, i havent been mentally tormented enough to complain about my life in here...! its my first semester of college right now and its whooping my ass for real. i already cant wait for it to be over. this is a bitter taste of being on my own hah....dorm living and all. people across the hall had to move out cause of mold and now im worried that this head cold is caused by that -_- but its whatever. i hope i graduate soon and do.....something cool with my life. idk. really my ideal life is to work full time then use my off days to draw. ive already seen the wonders of frozen dinners, since i cant cook for shit... ive been so inspired to draw on my own time but since im in art college most of my creative energy has been used up for that....waaah!!!!! also, recently finished dororo (2019) with a couple friends. it was super awesome...i really love hyakkimaru, he's got that kind of kuudere charm to him. i also love dororo himself, idk why people are so annoyed by him! hes just a kid so of course he's gonna act dumb.. well, whatever, it was a really good watch. been so busy! i've been making some graphics for this site behind the scenes, but havent put the pages to use them for together yet... but i promise stuff will come sooner or later! i mean it this time! schmell ya later....

(july 6 2023, 3:01pm) jeez long time no see many things have happened since my last entry, but i guess the two main things are that ive graduated high school and.... the biggest of them all... i finally got my top surgery procedure done! i had it done yesterday and im already feeling okay enough to be on my computer again. im so unbelievably happy about this. ive been wanting this for 8 years pretty much and the wait was definitely worth it. im still kinda drowzy on the drugs but i just thought i would share this achievement. to everyone thats stuck with me this long; thank you, and i really truly do love you all!

(apr 1 2023, 1:54pm) hellooo every body. it is april fools today. i dont know a joke thatll fool you.... i will actually do something with this website!!! gotchu lols. well i guess sooner or later i will get some free time to draw for fun. but i've been working on other things that arent plasticveggies.... ive been drawing a lot as well but not posting it!like i should update the art section here. i might just do an imgur compilation because the time between now and the last time i posted is very large. i check my guestbook every day so feel free to put something in there! i love getting messages :] so dont feel afraid to even message me directly

(feb 6 2023, 8:09am) its the new year woohoo. many things happened within the last 2 weeks. last friday of january got my top surgery consultation which was very exciting but also very awkward because i had to be shirtless in front of the guy. but it was doable and theyre guessing i can get the surgery in july yaay! last week though i had been sick with covid and also my computer shit itself and i need a new hard drive so thats lame. but yesterday i got two pieces of good news so that makees up for it all! i got employee of the month and aa $50 bonus, but also in the middle of my my acceptance email for my dream college!!! so my academic future is secured. knowing this is making me a little more motivated to do schoolwork, which is good cause im sooo far behind ;-;... i get to move back to my hometown for college, and one of my high school friends is gonna come with me, so hopefully we can share a dorm. i hope i can use this opportunity to give myself a better life